
Mr.Helwig Schwartau(赫尔维格?施瓦特)

发布时间:2020年10月09日 14:36 阅读次数:来源:果茶站打印本页 关闭窗口

Mr.Helwig Schwartau(赫尔维格·施瓦特)    农业市场信息公司园艺部主管,在世界知名的ZMP公司从事农业市场方面调研分析工作25年以上,2009年6月职于德国农业市场信息的澳门百老汇攻略农业市场信息公司。主要的工作是对水果市场进行分析和研究,并在欧洲范围内开展与苹果、梨等仁果类水果相关的各种讲座。(德国)

Helwig Schwartau (Germany)

He was employed with the ZMP for over 25 years and has been employed with the Agrarmarkt Informations-Gesellschaft (AMI) since June 2009, so that he is able to provide a wide knowledge of fruit marketing. As the representative for Germany, he is well- respected for his participation in the Forecast Working Group “Apples and Pears“, in the European Commission as well as in various national committees. His daily work consists of reports, analyses and Europe- wide lectures regarding the fruit market with an emphasis on pipfruits (Prognosfruit-Congress among others).